Foresters' Court Sign


Beautifully restored Foresters' Court sign, Church Street

The sign to Foresters' Court, Church Street was removed on 19 December 2018, it had deteriorated so much that it could not be repaired or restored. It is the only glass sign in Whitby at the entrance to a yard. Due to the support and financial commitment from Whitby Civic Society and local business, Pete and Jo Witney, of Pete Witney Signs, Whitby, were asked to make a new sign that would look exactly like the original. The new sign was unveiled on the 7 November 2019 by Val Appleton and Jenny Burns of Whitby Civic Society who had led the project. The skill and superb standard of work by Pete and Jo is apparent, the sign looks exactly like the original would have looked 100 years ago.

BeforeSign bits

The sign prior to restoration

The original frame was in poor condition though Pete managed to retain pieces of it and make a small frame containing information on the story of the replacement sign and pieces of the original paint. The information board can be found in the entrance way to the yard. Whitby Civic Society would like to thank Foresters Friendly Society, Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes (RAOB Foresters' Court) John Freeman Studio, Arnie Dixon, Chris Sellors (W Hamond) Michael W Kilpatrick, Jenny Burns, Val Appleton, Helen Watkins (Foresters' Court) Pete and Jo Witney for their financial support. If you haven't seen the sign yet, go and take a look, it's beautiful.

The unveiling ceremony November 2019

 Foresters court

Whitby Civic Society members and Pete Witney