Paint colours

Cliff Street

Immaculately maintained property enhancing the beauty and integrity of the conservation area

Colour has the potential to significantly impact on our surroundings. Appropriate colours in the conservation area can greatly enhance the look and feel of the historic streets of our town and help to protect its heritage. Inappropriate colours can achieve the opposite. There is guidance available to help you choose the right colours for your home or business. An extract from the Whtiby Conservation Area Appraisal and management plan, published by Scarborough Borough Council:

The dominant colour of much of the conservation area in Whtiby is derived from the red clay pantiles and red bricks which have been used for many of its buildings. Painting of previously unpainted wall surfaces should be avoided and where walls have in the past been rendered or painted care should be exercised in the selection of colours for repainting. When in doubt white or pale colours such as cream, grey and beige should be used. Strong assertive colours such as yellow, pink, mauve, bright green and blue are likely to give a discordant note when viewed in relation to neighbouring buildings. Features such as conduits, drain pipes and gutters on the face of a building can be made less obtrusive by painting in black or a stone or brick colour to match their background. As a general rule door surrounds, window frames and glazing bars are best painted soft white but there is scope for introducing a stronger colour for panelled doors which present a relatively small area in the elevation as a whole. Recommended colours for doors are set out below. More information is available here.

Colour fan

Recommended colours for panelled doors and shop fronts from the British Standard 4800 Range.

The BS reference should be used as colour names vary between manufacturers:

00 A 13 Condor Grey

00 E 53 Black

02 C 40 Loganberry

10 B 15 Conservation White

04 C 39 Tilestone

04 D 45 Cherry

06 C 39 Bronze

08 B 25 Beaver

08 B 29 Peat

08 C 39 Saddle

10 A 11 Storm Grey

10 B 25 Lizard

10 C 39 Bulrush

12 B 25 Alpine Green

12 B 29 Amazon

12 C 39 Olive

14 C 39 Empire Green

14 C 40 Conifer

18 B 29 Graphite

18 C 39 Azure

20 C 40 Midnight Blue

20 D 45 Chelsea

The following is recommended for windows: 10 B 15 Conservation White