Past lectures

To view the poster for each Lecture, please click on the date below :- 


February_17th_2020.pdf         : AGM followed by "Whitby Treasures" by Peter Craggs

January_20th_2020.pdf           : "Abbeville, The Little Yellow Cottage" by George Layfield

November_18th_2019.pdf       : "Death & Discovery" by David Dance

October_21st_2019.pdf           : "30 years as a Female Police Officer" by Adele Davies

September_16th_2019.pdf      : "The Legacy of Capt James Cook" by Clair Stones

July_15th_2019.pdf                  : "A pictorial history of RAF Fylingdales" by Neil Williamson

June_17th_2019.pdf                : "The History of Whitby Jet" by Rebecca Tucker 


May_20th_2019.pdf                    :"The Sirius Mine Project" by Matt Parsons


                                                   (for a copy of the slides used please see Sirius_Presentation_May_2019.pdf)

April_15th_2019.pdf              : "The History of Bothams" by Jo Botham

March_18th_2019.pdf             : 'Whitby's St Hilda's Catholic Church, an Illustrated Talk' by Mark Edwards

February_18th_2019.pdf        : AGM followed by 'The History of the White Horse & Griffin' by Ed Henebury

January_21st_2019.pdf          : "The Death Railway" by Paul Wilson

November_19th_2018.pdf      : "A Meander down the Esk" by John Freeman

October_15th_2018.pdf         : 'Whitby Abbey Collections' by Susan Harrison

September_17th_2018.pdf    : 'Managing our Region's Inshore Fisheries' by David McCandless, Ian Davies &                                                            Andrew Boon from NEIFC 

August 2018 ..... No Lectures were planned but 3 visits were arranged  : 1. Parkol Engineering

                                                                                                                           2. Guardian III 

                                                                                                                           3. Whitby Jet Museum

July_16th_2018.pdf               : 'The History of the William Riley' by Peter Thompson MBE

June_18th_2018.pdf              : 'The History of Parkol Engineering' by Sally Atkinson

May_21st_2018.pdf               : 'Heritage Railway Volunteer ... or obsessive second career' by John Bailey

April_16th_2018.pdf              : 'Slowing the Flow' by Mike Potter

March_19th_2018.pdf           : 'Whitby Ghost Signs' by Peter Craggs

February_19th_2018.pdf      : 'The AGM & The History of Bagdale Hall by John Cattaneo

January_15th_2018.pdf        : 'The Yorkshire Films of Nell the Sheepdog' by Graeme Aldous

November_20th_2017.pdf    : 'Unveiling Victorian Genius' by Prof. Mark Seaward

                                                   (for copy of complete lecture notes see Spruce_and_Mudd_lecture_notes.doc)

October_16th_2017.pdf        : 'The Death Railway' by Paul Wilson

September_18th_2017.pdf   : 'Capture the Coast Project' by Dr. Nicky Dobson.

August_14th_2017.pdf         : 'A Walk around Whitby in Bygone Days' by Neil Williamson.

July_17th_2017.pdf              : 'Whitby in the Limelight' by Elizabeth Cheyne.

June_19th_2017.pdf             : 'Future Medicine from the Beehive' by James Fearnley.

May_15th_2017.pdf              : 'Life as a Lifeguard' by Keith Goodchild. 

April_24th_2017.pdf             : 'On Our Doorstep' by Malcolm Blenkey A.R.P.S.

March_20th_2017.pdf           : 'Space Operations' by Flt. Lt. Richard Weeks.

February_20th_2017.pdf      : WCS AGM followed by 'Quincentenary of Bagdale Hall' by John Cattaneo.

January_16th_2017.pdf        : 'William Willison's Tulips' by Linda Chapman.